MMR Live Jab
Hi All, thanks for the add. I have already asked a close friend who has been through BMT for the same reason, but I am worried about my hubby getting his MMR jab soon as its a live vaccine. He has had all sorts of viral infections post transplant. CMV, BK, Shingles, coldsores in the mouth, he has also suffered with Sciatica and has recently had covid. He had his transplant in 2019 - but is way behind having his jabs as he has had so many complications. has anyone really suffered after having their MMR? Any answers good or bad appreciated. Many Thanks
Hi Manders,
you may want to check the requirement for the MMR vaccination with your hubbys medical team as transplant patients don't normally have live vaccines. I've just checked my vaccination records and I didn't have the MMR as part of my re-vaccination. I was given a vaccination sheet by my consultant which is what my GP booked my vaccinations against and that didn't include MMR.
I had GvHD after my transplant so my vaccinations were also later than they might have been and I ended up having mine 2 to 3 years after my transplant so your hubby is probably just a bit longer than that.
I hope this helps.
Hi Steve, thanks for your answer, we have the vaccination sheet and it is definitely on there, it does say not to be given if still on immunosuppression or had GVHD, I think the latter is the only thing he has not had post transplant bless him, but yes I will just try and get hold of Kings again and triple check as he has had so many viral infections since he is on aciclovir for life now. I really appreciate you replying
Thanks Mand
Hi I am due to have my mmr at 2 years which in few months approaching as advised by my consultant I was on immunosuppressants but not for few months now and now have mild gvhd skin rash every so often which I use steroid cream for.
I had my SCT in October 2015. I too had some mild skin gVHD following this, treated with steroid cream as required. But no other significant ‘immune-related’ problems. I had my MMR vaccinations in line with the vaccination guidance, in Jan and April 2018, with no ill effects.
Thanks all, he has now had the Jab with no ill effects
Great, no ill effects. I hope he's ok still. Thanks for sharing. You give me hope. I'm only at the beginning of my sheet of vaccinations, a year after my transplant with complications: GvHD bowels and mucous membranes, dry mouth, very low blood pressure, diarrhoea etc. Now lots of dry skin. Every jab is a challenge. So glad I've found the Anthony Nolan group. Brand new member, living in Europe.
Hi Helen, Yes still good, in fact this is the only jab has has had zero effects with, it was a 1 dose MMR rather than the 2 dose they normally give children. All the others have had various effects, most just some arm stiffness to the odd temperature and the worst one (covid) rigors, but he has got through the whole sheet now so that's a massive TICK towards full recovery. As awful as it is having yet more needles, it is such a massive relief knowing you are towards the end of treatment. Hope all goes well for yours, hang in there it sounds like you are doing amazing, no two journeys are the same, but its how you cope with the travelling - you can do this. Hugs xx
Hi Helen, I'm glad you've found the forum useful.
I'm one of the community champions here and had a transplant in 2013 for ALL. Like you I had GvHD which affected my skin. I didnt have any issues anywhere else thankfully. You have my sympathies regarding the dry skin as I had that for several months, but the GvHD was eventually treated and these days I don't have any problems at all.
There are other threads with peoples experiences of GvHD which you may find helpful.
As Manders says, starting the vaccination process does feel like you're getting there and that some semblance of normality can resume. It's a sign that your immune system has recovered enough to kick start the protection against all the stuff we were vaccinated for as children, like starting your life all over again.
Best wishes with the rest of your recovery and I hope you find other stuff on the forum of use.
Thank you very much Steve, the team and all those SCT peers that are sharing here. You can't imagine how helpful this experience has already been after only a couple of days. Someone wrote that they had to climb the stairs on all fours when they got back after their clinic stay. That was such a relief to know I'm not bonkers or a 'victim'. I can totally identify with that experience. It gave me strength. Thank you.