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  • Hello! My name is Ashling and I am 27 years old and live in Buckinghamshire. I developed Acute Myeloid leukaemia at the age of 25 and was put in the 'poor box' for survival. I got a first remission and had 2 induction rounds of chemotherapy and one very intensive pre transplant round of chemotherapy. I engrafted 10 days…
  • I next to no emotional and psychological support, but then I felt that there was only so much the consultants and nurses could take on- their jobs are so stressful and difficult as it is, and if they take on all the patients' emotional issues it could bring them down themselves. They empathised with me but didn't get too…
  • P.s. I'd just like to mention that I didn't write the 's' word there- it's just starred out my comment and I didn't want anyone to think I'm swearing on here!
  • As mentioned previously- I'd ask your consultants. I wanted a puppy so much after my transplant but was told I couldn't have one for at least a year after- the major issue being cleaning up the ****, but also puppies can harbour bacteria and diseases that can be harmful to humans, particularly immunocompromised people.…