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New telephone Peer Support Service for transplant patients

The patient services team would like to announce a new support service called Peer Support. Lots of people have contacted us asking if we can put them in touch with someone who has had a transplant so they can talk about what to expect and maybe give some advice on how to manage some of the side effects etc. So in response to this we have recruited and trained six Peer Support Volunteers who have all had a transplant and are ready and willing to get in touch with patients. Ideally it will benefit patients that are about to have a transplant or are in the early stages of recovery. There are some strict rules about contact, this will only be over the phone and it is not an ongoing service. It’s a pilot project and currently we have spaces for 5 more patients.

The only people that really know how it feels to have a transplant and give the best advice are those that have been through it, so we need to spread the word and promote this great service that could really help someone. If you think you would benefit or you know someone that would then please get in touch with us at
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