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Attention Scotland residents! | Patient and Family Education Day | 2nd February 2018

Hello everybody,

Have you, or your loved one, had a stem cell or bone marrow transplant?

We're here for you! We will have our next Patient and Families Education Day event on Friday 2nd February 2018 in Glasgow.

At this event, you can learn about the late effects of transplant, diet management, fatigue, financial issues and returning to work. It is also a great opportunity to meet other patients and their families and share experiences.

This is a free event, and lunch and refreshments will be provided. We will also reimburse travel costs.

Attendees from our last patient and families day remarked that they found the information gained from the event ’invaluable’ and as a result enabled them to feel more confident to support their family member.

If you are interested, please email us at patientinfo@anthonynolan.org with your name and the name of the family member or friend you would like to attend with.

We hope to see you there.

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