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Top up

My husband is on about day 120 and his cherism levels have gone down to 78%, and he has now got to have a top up donar cells. Has anyone else had to have this done, I understand he could be in danger of GHVD as well
Thanks lindsay


  • Hi Lindsay
    Hearing your husband needs a top up can be daunting but I don't think it's unusual.
    I had mine 8 months post transplant as my chimerism had dropped to 55%. I only needed one top up, though I was told sometimes more are needed.
    I was warned about possible GVHD but I didn't have any issues at the time. I was also warned to carry on being cautious due to the increased risk of infection but to be honest I was still on high alert if anyone so much as cleared their throat around me at that time anyway.
    My chimerism has been at 98% + since then and I'll be two years post transplant in February. I have very mild gut GVHD at the minute but it's manageable.
    Good luck
    Bernie xx
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