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Relapse 6yrs post STC

I’ve just been told the devastating news my leukaemia is back after 6yrs,I’ve been so fit and this has come out of the blue,I really started to relax a bit after 5yr mark.Im facing a second Transplant and am scared to ask Drs about recovery second time around.Is there anyone out there who has had a successful second transplant?


  • Hey Katy,

    My name is Dan, I am a community champion here for Anthony Nolan and I am currently 3 years post SCT.

    I am so so so sorry to hear about your relapse - it is the worst fear for all of us and I am so sorry you are going through that. I am sure some people here will have had the same experience and can talk about it, but in the meantime I wanted to point you towards the Patient Services team - you can call them on 0303 303 0303 whenever you need to.

    They will be able to offer advice & support and may have stories of other patients that they can share with their experiences.

    One experience that jumps out to me is a chap I was on an interview panel with at Anthony Nolan. He had a STC that then turned out to also get Leukaemia, so ended up having to have a second transplant from a different donor. 10 years later he was sat on an interview panel with me and didn't even have any GVHD, so he was healthy and in a great spot.

    Keep up the positive thoughts and know that you are in all of our thoughts.


  • Thank you so much for your reply Dan,I really need some positive stories of second transplant experiences,I’ve been so well and had got myself physically as fit as possible so I’m hoping that will help me through this process,I’m being admitted tomorrow to start first round of chemo,I will check out the helpline aswell.


  • Hi Katy, sorry to hear of your relapse so long after your transplant. Like Dan, I'm also a community champion here and had my transplant over 10 years ago to treat ALL.

    There have been varous posts here about second transplants at various stages, including some that have been even longer after the first transplant than yours. It can and does happen unfortunately and I suppose os something all of us worry about every day. But there are positive outcomes and it may help to read some of the posts on the forum to see how the other patients got on. The best way to find them is use the 'search forums' box at the top of the page and this should bring up the threads relating to second transplants.

    I hope everything goes well with the start of your chemotherapy and onwards towards your transplant. We are here to help you and other patients get through your treatment and to support each other so please stick around and let us know how you're getting on and whether you have any questions.

    Best wishes,


  • Hi all,well after a long search for a suitable donor I’m going in next week for second transplant,they are using cyclophosphamide instead of campath this time which apparently helps reduce graft vrs host issues.Ive spent last few weeks getting as fit as I can for this but now it’s here I’m pretty nervous,wish me luck.


  • Hi Katy, that is a long wait to find a donor but it must be a relief to have a transplant date in sight. I'm sure you know what to expect from your first transplant and it's good that you've been building up your fitness. Hopefully the cyclophosphamide isn't greatly different but is effective in reducing the risk of GvHD.

    I've got everything crossed that your transplant is successful for you and wish you the best of luck. We'll all be rooting for you and please keep us updated.



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