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DLI. Is it worth doing a DLI if Donor Whole Blood 79%, CD3 T cells 97% and CD15. 88%. ?

I was a relapsed BPCDN patient 7 yrs out of Allo SCT. i have done 7 cycles of VenAza, remission on 3rd cycle. Have been told another Allo SCT too risky and maybe potential for DLI. DLI has been dropped and VenAZA for life has been prescribed.
Prospect of VenAza for life is somewhat daunting can you please advise?


  • Hi Will,

    Thank you for your question. I will have one of our nurses answer this question for you on Tuesday next week if you are OK to wait until then?

  • Hi Will, Here is an answer supplied by one of our CNSs, Emily:

    Hi Will,

    Thank you for getting in touch. I'm sorry to hear you relapsed 7 years after your stem cell transplant, I can only imagine how worrying this time has been for you. Though, I am glad to hear you're currently in remission on Venetoclax and Azacitadine.

    I'd encourage you to speak to your Consultant or Nurse Specialist to discuss your worries, they will be able to explain why the potential option of DLI has changed, as they'll have access to your medical record and full blood results.

    We'd be very happy to talk to you further on the helpline if you would like, and we also offer a Telephone Emotional Support Service (TESS) if you feel this would be helpful at any point. You can call us on: 0303 303 0303 or email us at: patientinfo@anthonynolan.org

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