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Would you like to be a patient or carer representative on the BMT Clinical Reference group?

The Clinical Reference Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation is a group consisting of twelve clinicians, four patient and carer representatives, four expert stakeholders, and NHS England representative and a Public Health England representative. It is a formal advisory body to NHS England, which makes recommendations on the way in which bone marrow transplant care should be provided across England. The group’s remit includes advising on the way NHS England should commission care, and how it can encourage high standards of care through commissioning tools and processes.

The role of the patient and carer representatives is to ensure that patients are at the heart of decisions on the way in which bone marrow transplantation is commissioned within England. The patient and carer representatives advise the group on the patient perspective on how the service is currently functioning, and how it could be improved in the future.

The Group has around ten meetings per year. Six of those are via teleconference, and the group also holds quarterly face to face meetings in London which last up to four hours. Patient and carer representatives are reimbursed for costs incurred in traveling to meetings.

Outside of meetings, the role requires some reading around the subject and a desire to become familiar with a degree of the finances, structures and processes of NHS England in general, and bone marrow transplant in particular. Support is available for patient and carer representatives in understanding and working within these structures.

They are looking for one more person to join them as patient or carer representative.

You can find out more and apply here: https://www.engage.england.nhs.uk/application/crg-patient-wave3
and there is more information for patients/carers here about the process and what is involved: https://www.engage.england.nhs.uk/application/crg-patient-wave3/user_uploads/information-applicants-v6-w3.pdf

The application form is actually at the bottom of the page where it says "Give Us Your Views
Online Survey"

If you need any help or support with the application do get in touch with me anneliese.levy@anthonynolan.org or 020 7284 8229
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